组内成员 > 在职教师 > 马玲
马玲,副教授,工学博士。主要从事金属材料的本构模型建立、高温交变加载下的疲劳蠕变寿命预测理论研究以及结构失效分析的有限元模拟仿真。主持山东省自然科学基金1项,参与国家自然科学基金项目2项,企业横向项目1项。在《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》、《Advanced Engineering Materials》、《机械工程学报》等国内外期刊上公开发表学术论文8篇,其中SCI、EI收录7篇。
1. 重庆大学 机械设计制造及其自动化 本科 2008/09-2012/06
2. 重庆大学 机械工程 直博生(推免研究生) 2012/09-2018/05
3. Northwestern University 机械工程 联合培养博士生 2015/09-2017/09
1. Ma L., Wang Y., Luo Y. et al. (2016) Determination of Self-excited Vibration Criterion for Strip Rolling mill[J], WSEAS Transactions on Applied And Theoretical Mechanics, 11:97-106.
2. 马玲,罗远新,王勇勤等. (2017)疲劳蠕变交互作用下挤压筒设计理论及寿命预测模型[J],机械工程学报,53(16):163-172. (EI)
3. Ma L., Luo Y., Wang Y. et al. (2017) Constitutive and Damage Modelling of H11 Subjected to Low Cycle Fatigue at High Temperature[J], Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 40(12):2107-2117. (SCI-Q1)
4. Ma L., Luo Y., Wang Y. et al. (2017) Visco-Plastic Constitutive Model for Cyclic Responses Simulation and Lifetime Prediction of Hot-Work Tool Steel H13 at Elevated Temperature[J], Steel Research Internatioanl,88(11):1-12. (SCI-Q2)
5. Ma L., Luo Y., Wang Y. et al. (2018) Fatigue and Ratcheting Assessment of AISI H11 at 500 ℃ Using Constitutive Theory Coupled with Damage[J], Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 41(3):642-652. (SCI-Q1)
6. Ma L. , Wang Y. , Luo Y. (2020) A method for assessing lifetime of an extrusion container subjected to fatigue-creep interaction[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis, 118:1-9. (SCI-Q1)
7. Ma L. , Wang Y. , Luo Y. (2020) Influence of shrinkage loss on failure of an extrusion container associated with creep deformation[J]. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 1-14. (SCI-Q2)
8. Ma L. , Zhang L. , Guo F. et al. (2021) High-Temperature Mechanical Behavior Assessment based on a Developed Constitutive Model of Inconel 718 Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting[J]. Advanced Engineering Materials, 23 (8):1-10. (SCI-Q2)